“Although you search the whole world for the beautiful you’ll not find it unless you take it with you.” -Emerson
About me
Hello! Thank you for taking an interest in my work.
I am a painter living and working in Nashville, Tennessee.
I began studying drawing in 2020, and painting thereafter, and recently concluded three years of training at Aristides Atelier under the direction of Juliette Aristides.
It seems foolish to pretend to know who I am yet as an artist, despite the expectation of having some artist statement that neatly and eruditely sums things up. I have no idea. I’m working on it. Perhaps that’s the work of a lifetime, anyway.
Regardless, I try to bring beauty and honesty to my work, and to move in the direction of things that resonate with me. Each painting is a new quest for something good and worthwhile, and I’m just trying to keep going.
I hope my work makes you feel comforted, or inspired, or curious, or aware of something you didn’t know before. Or just glad to see something pretty. Whatever it is, I hope it’s something.
With gratitude,